Monday, November 14, 2011

What Person Has Inspired You Most?

person who inspires you 300x202 What Person Has Inspired You Most?When I think about it, there are many people who have inspired and touched me in some way:

  • my mom, who taught me to not be quick to judge other people
  • my dad, who taught me to be honest no matter what
  • my mentors, who have helped me to grow and who have never let me get away with any excuses
  • my wonderful friends, who have always been there for me no matter if I needed a shoulder to cry on or some moral support and motivation
  • spiritual leaders, who with their personal example showed me what true love, compassion and forgiveness was
  • great writers, whose words have touched my heart and motivated me to change
  • successful people, who have encouraged me to follow their footsteps and work harder toward my dreams
  • my readers, who have inspired me to start this blog and continue to inspire me every single day
Is there ever been person in your life who has inspired you the most?
Someone who has pushed you beyond your limits? Someone who has encouraged you when you doubted your own abilities? Someone who would not let you quit just because it got hard? Someone who has inspired you to pursue your dreams, to grow, to become a little better in some way?